Family Law
Halton Community Legal Services does not practice family law but we can refer you to other services that may be able to help.
If you are not sure about the kind of help that you need for your family law matter, contact us.
Legal Aid Ontario
May be able to assist you with your family law matter.
1 (800) 668-8258
Duty Counsel Services provided by Legal Aid Ontario may be available in person at the Milton courthouse
Monday-Friday 9:30am-12:30/1:30pm-4:30
491 Steeles Avenue East, Milton
Family Law Information Centre (FLIC)
Located in the Milton courthouse at 491 Steeles Avenue East, Milton
FLIC may be able to provide general information regarding family matters.
Thrive Counselling Services Halton
Halton Women’s Place
24 Hr Crisis Line 905-332-7892
Assaulted Women’s Helpline (24 hours)
1-866-863-0511 or 416-863-0511.